Masato Naka

Masato Naka


21 stories

Masato Naka

Masato Naka


1 story

Masato Naka

Masato Naka


8 stories

Diagram showing two parallel flowcharts. In the first flowchart, a person asks me for assistance troubleshooting their cluster, giving them one command at a time and waiting for them to answer. In the second flowchart, an application asks Kubenstein for assistance, with Kubenstein giving the application one command at a time and waiting for the command to complete.
Masato Naka

Masato Naka


1 story

Masato Naka

Masato Naka


5 stories

Masato Naka

Masato Naka

An SRE engineer, mainly working on Kubernetes. CKA (Feb 2021). His Interests include Cloud-Native application development, and machine learning.